Our Story

In 2001, my husband Sam and I prayerfully decided to uproot and relocate to a small town and a slower pace. Also wanting to raise our children near their retired grandparents, we landed in patriotic Dahlonega, Georgia. This kind mountain village welcomed us with open arms. From the genuineness of the folk to the the "Mayberry" downtown, we knew God had been faithful to get us exactly where we needed to be.
On February 14th, 2002, we opened the Picnic Cafe with three small kiddos and a whole lotta prayer and grit. Fast forward to 2007 when a little corner space became available on our historic square and The Humble Candle was born on February 14th, 2007. The connection between the openings of the businesses and the date of the openings is not lost on us. Love is certainly behind what we do here and it will continue to be just that.
We continue to enjoy rich friendships, mountain air, and glorious views. All the while knowing exactly that it was He, our faithful God, Who got us here. So, if you stop by for a visit to our little shop, please know that you are welcome. We are grateful for you. Please come on in... Sam and I would love to meet you!
- Julia
"The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it" - John 1:5